Tuesday, April 29, 2008
An Exhaustion Day...
Then I rush to do my banking in the morning....quite scary as I were at this teller machine. There are two guys, one is withdrawing and another guy (I think his friend, since they both wore the same shirt) is actually standing behind the first guy and keep staring at me. So pissed off, that I stared at him back, until he is so ashamed hahahaha and look somewhere else. How can he stand there and stared at people when someone is withdrawing the money. I am not stereotyping anyone but it create unncessary suspicion, dont you think so?
I were late at my office today but one hell of a day for me. Endless meetings with endless dicussions and not to mentioned a moutain high of paperwork. I am so breathless at the end of the day.
I almost do not want to go for my gym today since I am so tired but then when I look down at my tummy hahaha.....somehow the motivation kicks in and I just dragged myself go. I went to the gym, worked out and almost fainted!!!! I am short breathe and almost had a black out. Fortunately, I have the bar to hold...otherwise it is so embarassing to collapse in the gym !!! hahaha... I guess I am too exhausted and not enough of rest....
And so...byeeeeee time for me to hit the ZZZzzzzZZZZZZZZZzzzZZZ
Monday, April 28, 2008
John Legend Day...
Here I am sharing some of my favourites from his work...
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Relaxing Saturday...
Today, I spent my morning chatting with a new friend I made....pretty cool and nice guy. Then, I went for a brunch with my family. We had dim sum.....nice and delicious...yum yum hehe.
Then, after brunch, we went to see my sister and her husband new home. Pretty cool place they have there....quite big and spacious....Not really admire their craftmanship but i like the space. Even as I am walking and observing the place, I already start to have ideas on my head hahaha. I am into interior designing at one point and often likes to create something out from an empty space hehe. Its fun in a way...minus all the hard work of painting, drilling and you know....
The parking space they have there sucks big time....three words to describe the whole parking system..."stupidity beyond repair" hahaha. You basically park the car back to back with no exit for the first car to go out...
After the house tour, I went for my facial treatment. Yay yay...I got free facial treatment today...so niceeeee.. Enjoying every single minute of it hehe. Then, I went for a dinner with my sis and later we went for a movie...Fool's Gold, starring Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey. What intrique about the show is very much the sea and the island. Oh my god, white sand beach and bloody clear sea water!!!! sooooooo niceeeeeeeee.......So wanted to jump into it already hahaha..
I let you see for yourself what I mean hahaha....Ohhhhh i am so wanted to go to Carribean right now hahaha...
Friday, April 25, 2008
My Highway..My Life

Imagine yourself in a highway or any road. Now in this highway, at the start of it, is only you. As you walked this road, you soon realised someone is also walking the same road, or someone hitch hiking. In that same road, you also find there are many signboards that lead you to your destination. Sometimes along your way, you got something like a big hole on your road that makes you want to change route or you have a big tree tumbled right before your eyes that blocked your way from going any further. Sometimes you came to the junction that need you to decide either left or right in order to reach your destination. So you will consult either people or a map to do that.
Our life is so much like that. We all walk on our own road because we knew we are the one who will face every situation and problems right from the start we are brought to this world. Then, we got to know our family and as we grown, friends came into our life. Some stayed and some gone like hitch hikers. No matter what is the outcome, I am pleased and glad that they have actually came. Because it is the experience of being together and that valuable time we shared. Then, in our desperate hours of life, when we do not know what to do next, we often asked for guidance or even prayed for signs and miracles. That is explained by the signboards…it leads us some way or another. Along the way there are nice sceneries and even some bad ones when the weather turned bad. That is part of life…..very much explained for our mood and emotions. Then the obstacles came, bad weather tumble the tree or a big hole that sometimes makes you want to make a U-turn. But in our life how many u-turn can you made. It is best to see what is that problem and clear it. If it is a hole, mend it….if it is a big tree, then chop it and throw it aside. Of course it will need effort and time, but what doesn’t? Everything happened in your life are effort and time. This is part of your journey and part of your survival. At some part of our life, we are in dilemma. We often don’t know what to do. What decision to make. So we have reached the junctions of life where we often asked which one is the best.
I especially feel connected with this philosophy because it is very intriguing, nice and relative. I came about it when I were at my lowest during my childhood. I often got teased in schools. At the age of 12, I started to ask myself a question of why and what is life?. I started to lose interest in life and often see it as a cruel world to be. Then as I am travelling one day in a bus to the town, I asked myself why too much that I came to think of this philosophy. That time I'm in this bus, in this highway……then I started to think yeah exactly. Life is like this highway…..
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Scope...A video in your body?
Then, when she migrated and referred me to a new doctor, I decided to stopped the whole treatment. I decided to do it my way, maybe i heard too much of Frank Sinatra's "My Way" haha. I double up my exercise routine and eat more healthily....I stayed that way...until recently, my conscience told me to go for a checkup.
This time I went for a new doctor. Hopefully, that trust can be developed with him. He is going to do the first scope tomorrow on me, using the new technology. Dont know what the hell is that but certainly hope that it will be okie. Each time as I am wheeled into the Operating Theatre, I will be flooded with many uncertainties and fears. But above everything, I know I got God with me in that room....I know in a way, I would be safe.
For you who do not know. I am diagnosed with Barrett's Esophagitis. A rare condition where a large pre-cancerous hernia growth between my esophagus and my stomach, causing an active acid reflux. A disease where only one in a million people will get it, so i guess I won a lottery in a way haha. A very rare disease where no medical science right now is able to provide solutions. I had it now for almost five years. I still remember the first time when I was told about it....I just left with no idea of what is that and fear just automatically came in without any invite. But, being me a strong will person.....I fight it, I fight it well. Afterall, if you cant get rid of it, then live with it. Make the best out of it.
In a way, I feel thankful actually. It changed me in a big way. The way I took my life for granted previously just could not happened anymore with the new me. I enjoyed and appreciate more on each brand new day that I am able to breathe. I see more of life.....
The best way to handle this sort of situation is to be happpy......put on a smile and everything would be smiling back to you hehe
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Teeth...A Valuable Asset
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Another Busy Day..... Jazz It Up...
I am so longing for my Bali vacation in July.....still a longgggggg way to go!!!! How I wish it is tomorrow.
Well to save some of my annual leave for my australia vacation later on september, I basically got no holidays (yes even i have to scarifice my public holidays) until July. That just easily spelt out another three long months in paperwork, more meetings and endless discusssion. Gosh......I might at the top of madness even before July...
But hold on....Thank God for Jazz music hahaha......When you are in your worst day, fret now there is jazz. When you are in your busiest hours, look no further...turn on the jazz. Hahah...trying to imitate the master card commercial haha. Seriously, Jazz is one of my favourite music that can actually help me to relax.....It is romantic, relaxing (help insomia hahaha) and not to forget fun....how to be fun with jazz, you asked me? ahhhhhh wait till you reached that level of admiration, you will know what I mean hahaha. Frankly, I do not know it myself haha.
Anyway.....whenever I feel a bit of stress or I really need a relax coolant, I always listened to jazz music. My favourite Jazz artists are no other than Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Diana Krall and Michael Buble. Diana and Frank have the sexiest voices hahaha...
Favourite jazz songs are Girls from Ipanema, L.O.V.E, Look of Love, Home, Everything, West of the Moon, Let's Fall in Love...
Here it is....the tracks Let's Fall in Love and The Look of Love, my favourites from Diana Krall hehe...Hope it can help you to relax in a way....
Monday, April 21, 2008
my iPhone
I bought this phone last thursday and couldnt stop admiring it hahaha..Well, I know not everyone would agreed with me but I love it hehe.
It has a camera, the basic phone function, the iPod all in one....pretty cool interface and most importantly, easy to use. I am not so IT savy, even though i am working in IT hahaha...but this one really caught my attention.
Anyway, the demo should tell you what is in this phone sufficely.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Before i am going into the today's title.....do you noticed any difference to my blog today? of course you dont hahahaha because hardly anyone visited my blog hahaha...
I learnt some additional stuff about this blogspot...maybe you guys already knew it but the dummy me feel so excited that I can actually add in my blog title and picture!!! In fact, iIcan add quite a number of stuff hahaha...
Okie...Migrate. The feeling of migration has been affirming now that it is moving closer. I finally made up my mind of where I want to move to. After so many years of tussling, tossing and hair scratching, I finally made up my mind to move to Canada....
Now the first question is "why Canada?" The obvious choice for me to move is actually Australia, looking at the group of friends I had in Australia. Additionally, it is so easier for me to adjust my new life in Australia since I lived there for two wonderful years. I always told everyone that Australia is my second home.....so it is a bit surprised that I made Canada as a choice. :o) Many have advised me to think carefully, my best friend (you know who you are) actually share her experience, living alone is rather difficult in a stranger land.
In fact, I couldnt agreed more with her. I know what are there in store for me that will challenge me if I move to Canada. First thing, I do not travel to Canada before. I hardly have friends in Canada, well at least not the close one. But I want this challenge.....I feel it is a life experience that you would need to step out from your comfort zone sometimes to learn and see things differently. I'm very much want to see how far I can go and do....I can always go to Australia and be in my comfort zone again, with all my friends hanging out....but what difference will it make for me being here in Malaysia. I want something that somehow will fill me up with new stuff....enough to keep me occupied and thrill me in a way, well in an exiciting way hehe.
The migration plan has already been in my mind since I am young (I still do hehe). I always have this feeling of perfect stranger in a my own home. You know at one point where you have almost everything that life can offer - good family, good friends, good job, good pay, but yet you can still feel something amiss. Like this part of you is missing, something incomplete in a way. I guess, I am trying to fill that space now. I dont see my destiny here in Malaysia since young but I cannot tell for sure it would be Canada.....by God's will, I know I come to a place where that puzzle would just fits.
I love my home here.....even though the government sucks but it is still a great place. Afterall, I was born here, how can I not have any feeling to this place right. But I guess the curiosity part of me want to see the world also. I always wanted to travel to many parts of the world to see different cultures, different people and learn many wonderful life stories that it has to offer. You cannot imagine of how great a taxi driver can be at your dispose for this wonderful facts exchange. Try next time to have a nice chat with the taxi driver.....you would be amazed at how much things they knew about a place, culture and people haha..
I have covered quite some places in Asia, Australia and just recently came back from Europe. I think the next continent I would like to try is the America continents. That is why I made a decision to Canada hehe....maybe because it is easier to go into Canada than America. I think it is also because Canada is a better "free" country hahahaha...I dont know if it would suits me, but I would give it a try and use it as a base for me to wonder around that parts of the world. I even thought of visiting Middle East and Africa haha....nothing wrong with this places, apart from the war and stuff, it is actually very beautiful places and people they have there....not to mention their rich cultures. My friends already think I am crazy ...... but you only live once...so why not?
To end this entry.....so happened, as i am loading music into my iPhone.....oooh I bought a new iPhone for myself. YAY!!!!!!!! I love it so much but I will tell more tomorrrow. Anyway, as I am uploading the music from Mariah's latest album (guys, you should try this out....it is very nice ), her first track is actually Migrate haha... So here it is, the music to the wonderful end for my entry today. Cant use her track "Bye Bye Bye" as it is still not a time for me to bid that hahaha
Cheers and enjoy this music from this link I found in youTube.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The trail of Toi Toi

This is me...Kevin. Not sure how old is me at that time hahaha....in fact, i couldnt hardly recognised myself when i see this photo again. Is cute isnt it haha....ohhh let me assure that you that part is still unchanged haha...28 years later, this bloke became a JOKER haha...
Being a joker is not the one with a big mouth and a pointed hat.....being a joker means Jovial, Optimist, Kool, Enthusiast and Rainbow hahaha.....for whoever knows what rainbow means.... it basically symbolised * colourful life *
*Alamak...how you add a smile* anyway, too late to discover that....a conventional smile will do for the time being :o)
Monday, April 14, 2008
I guess today as I created this blog page, the first thing that crossed my mind is to have a preface ready..... *a squeaky sound * * a chinese voice, "why so serious one...."
And so a happy music begins.......
This is the story about a happy go lucky guy.......the silly thing he did, the joke he made, the crazy stunt he tried, the trick he played and most of all the life of a man nick named Toi toi...
Stay tuned....
*Director: CUT!!!*