Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The trail of Toi Toi

Today is my second post and i already dont know what to write hahaha....I am not a good writer nor a serious blogger but somehow find it fun to record every thought (well tried to be) that can be a good laughing reference in the future hehe

I am still trying to learn the features what this blog has to offer...i seen some blogs that have this wonderful pictures and stuff. I start to marvel on their creativity that i wish i can also put in mine. Maybe a book on "Writing a blog for dummy" would help me along hahah.

Okie, today i think is appropriate to introduce myself.

This is me...Kevin. Not sure how old is me at that time hahaha....in fact, i couldnt hardly recognised myself when i see this photo again. Is cute isnt it haha....ohhh let me assure that you that part is still unchanged haha...28 years later, this bloke became a JOKER haha...

Being a joker is not the one with a big mouth and a pointed hat.....being a joker means Jovial, Optimist, Kool, Enthusiast and Rainbow hahaha.....for whoever knows what rainbow means.... it basically symbolised * colourful life *

*Alamak...how you add a smile* anyway, too late to discover that....a conventional smile will do for the time being :o)

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