Monday, June 2, 2008

Countdown to Bali : 30 days

30 days to go for my Bali trip....couldnt wait already. So wish that it is already happening haha. Anne is rather too excited that she already planned on her annual leave during that trip. I have not taken yet....not sure if I want to .....but then again, I deserved a good break after 8 months of working non-stop.

I wonder how is it like in Bali. Everyone is basically telling me that it is a nice place of which I think I would love it since I am a beach person. Three bitches on the prowl at the beach hahaha... Never mind if you dont get it, I am just being silly. After hearing from Jesse, it makes me think twice again about the security in Bali.....haha. I dont like to be harrassed, definitely when people drag me to do stuff or buy stuff....I have a really short fuse in that area. I think it is not only me, Anne even went all out to ask us to buy extra travel insurance hahahaha....At first, I kinda refused but after giving it a second thought and hearing from this people comments, I just dont want to take chances hahaha. Well, it is better to play safe than sorry since all of us are first timer to Bali.

Fret not...for i am there to enjoy every single moment of it !!!!! Let's boogie!!!!


JoLLY said...

haha.. i goin on 22th leh.. earlier than u.. heehee...

KEVin said...

kanasai when you are back, tell me how is it yeah..hehe