Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I find this phrase interesting. It was taken from the christian calender that my friend gave to me when I left Australia for good, five years ago. I put that calender in my work desk every day. Today this particular phrase caught my attention deepest...

"You do not have to pay the price to grow and expand intellectually. The mind neither requires it nor demands it. If, however, you want to experience the joy of discovery, effort is required. Light wont automatically shine upon you, nor will truth silently seep into your head. Its up to you.

If the splendor of the stars is worth sitting outside in the dark, the joy of fresh discovery is worth sitting inside in the light."

I guess I do need to put more confident in engage the discovery that I always been dreamt of. To take the first step to experience of how far my life can bring me......I should now put in more effort in building that faith and confidence to brave through this storm of discovery from my comfort zone....

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