Thursday, July 17, 2008


Recently I have dreamt quite a bit. Normally I dont dream, it is hard for me to have a dream in my sleep. But for the past two nights, I have humour dream....its hilarious.

Tuesday night I dreamt about a friend of which I dont even knew her....went to her place for some sort like a party. Pull some trick on her and at the end of it that tricks fall on myself was silly dream; something that actually reminds of our school days haha.

Then yesterday night, I dreamt that I am going for holiday in Japan with Anne and Amanda. Three of us walking in the street of tokyo, very crowded...full of people. In the middle of steet, we hold hands and buildings are all gleams with lights.... The weird thing is I dont fancy Japan at all....maybe they have talk to me too much to go for that japanese holiday that I finally have a dream in my sleep hahahaha. But it seems three of us are having fun. It already been a while that we three actually go for a holiday. In fact, we dont ..... we never have a trip that three of us go together....hey let's make it happen la.

Me just had my dinner....yeah at almost 9 my desk, in the office. Too busy today.....not really motivated for work actually lately. Kinda think of changing job. Need to seek an oversea job.....keep my head high and my finger crossed...

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