Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ouch Ouch...

Today went to the gym...after three months of staying lazy, finally went to the gym today. The result? Sore muscle and pain everywhere hahahaha.....rusty already I think haha. I couldnt felt myself actually, my hands and my legs are as if not in my control....I am like a dead fish haha..

Thinking of tomorrow hitting the gym again but then now after this ordeal, I guess I am going to take a day off least a day.

After the gym, I am so hungry that I cannot help myself but to buy a fillet burger. They are now having this special menu....spicy filet hahaha...The taste not so bad but I still prefer the original one. After taken the filet, I came back and my mother cooked one big bowl of mee hon kueh hahaha.... I know I know, you sure said "my tam chiak" in hokkien I normally would replied "mee hoon kueh niah la...." hahahaha....I like to eat....cannot help it. hahaha

Went through my appraisal with my new boss yesterday. That was my toughest appraisal that I ever had in my entire least so far. It even have a follow up session!!! Can you imagine that? Normally, appraisal session you only have one but mine got two and have to detail in specifically with proof !!! Gosh, at the end of my first session, I actually out of breath. I told myself, this better be good......if at the end my bonus and increment is still as shit, I am going to give him a piece of my mind. People dont called me a "bitch" for nothing hahahahaha

Sigh, will write more next time.....even my fingers are also pain and weak hahaha....tata.

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