Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mamma Mia Mania....

I have came back !!!! Time really flies huh....I am already a week back from my holiday now. I know I know, for those of you "subscriber with no fee" to my blogs, I have been missing in action. I even have questions on why am I not blogging recently hahahaha.....never know that this site can be such entertaining to you guys hahaha..

Anyway, I would discuss further on my aussie trip...for the past one week is so busy with the photos. My gosh, the internet in malaysia is a speed killer. I cant upload in one go of my photos but rather have to break down in smaller patches to do that....thus take lots of time. I just finished uploaded them in my facebook. So go and check it out....also at flickr site ( i think hahahaha. Anyway, I just became a member of this flickr site and not sure if i got that right. No tags or description on the photos because of me being lazy hahaha.

Went to see Mamma Mia with my sisters tonight. Finally !!!! The verdict? I love it !!!!!!! and now I am thinking of going for the actual theater from the original broadway cast. So expensive the ticket but I guess it just something that worth to go for.....but no one to go with me !!! Sigh.

Ok....have to get up early tomorrow. Ok promise i will tell about my adventure in Australia......but till then, stay tuned. I do know how to keep the adrenalin running huh hahaha

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