Thursday, September 18, 2008

Toi travelling to Aussie Land....

I would be travelling to the land where kangaroos made the hops and the koalas made the yawns hahahaha... My flight will be at tomorrow 10 Malaysia Airlines.

Will have to sleep early....need to get up early at 6 because my taxi is picking me up at 7 am. Sigh, my only concern is really on the timing but on the luggage hahaha.....I am taking so many things as if I am going to stay there for good hahaha. Well must travel with style rite, sooooo meaning the whole closet just have to bring there hahahaha.... that is we gay guy always do haha.

ok time to get some sleep....till then cheerio, and wait for the adventures stories revelaed after the end of my trip wah hahahaha

1 comment:

JoLLY said...

i will miss u toi..*sob*sob*