Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Its a "Cheesey" Day....

No idea of what title for today..... I started my Tuesday with a tummy upset that I have two weeks ago...Yeah not sure if I wrote about it here. I was with my family having our mother's day dinner at this Italian restaurant. Normally I am very careful but not sure why on that night, I am so hopefully careless. I ordered spicy olio....maybe because I normally had spicy olio without cheese in Dome. Such a long time I did not have pasta, so I thought I want to have it on that night. They put cheese in that pasta without my knowledge!! and I forgot to tell them as well. I finished the whole plate and just realised what the hell those small little thingy that still on the plate.....then i realised shitttttt there are cheese in there !!!.

For your information, I am allergic to dairy products. Yes that is right, I cant take raw cheese or any dairy products without cooked. I dont think it is because of lactose intolerance but those who have LI, they normally cant take dairy at all. Me, I can take as long as it is fully cooked. I used to have heavy "business deals" when I just took a gulp for milk and a bite on the bread with cheese. Yeah...thanks to the cheese, I have a "memorable" day indeed haha.

Well, today I also discovered one thing. I thought I have lost my American Green Card Lottery last few months. This morning as I read in the newspaper about the Green Card scam and something told me to go ahead and visit the website. No I did not won nor I got cheated, but I found out that I actually still in the running of the lottery hahaha of which this end of the year I will know whether I win or lose. My mind has already told myself that I have lost in that program haha, so lets see if my application will go to Jalan Tun Abdul Razak (America Embassy) or Jalan Ampang (Canada high comm).

Today also I have finalised my Australia trip...FINALLY!!! Now, I am set to go and I am already so excited hehe... Here is the itineary

Sept 19th - Fly off to Melbourne from KL
Sept 19th - 22nd - Spend my wildtime in Melbourne with my best friend.
Sept 23rd - Fly off to Adelaide from Melbourne, Adelaide city tour (self) and meeting Michele
Sept 24th - Visiting Barrossa Valley incl home of Jacob's Creek (going to knock myself down)
Sept 25th - Visiting Kangaroo Island (nice tour with live seals, admiral arch and all )
Sept 26th - Fly off to Melbourne from Adelaide
Sept 26th - Sept 30th - Visit my friends in Melbourne... Angela, Grace, Aaron and the rest

Oct 1st - Fly off to Hobart from Melbourne
Oct 1st - Oct 4th - Still dont know what to do there..deciding to go to national park to camp.
Oct 4th - Fly off to Melbourne from Hobart
Oct 4th - Oct 11th - Continue my Melbourne tour and friend gathering...
Oct 11th - Fly back to KL with many Down Under memories...

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