Equality is for all. It indeed is for all, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation or anything. Everyone regardless of their background should be given the same and fair treatment. I am not an american nor I went to america before but I know what is it feels like to be have the same dream, to be in the same fight. I am gay who lives in this part of the world where tolerance to our community can be associate to the Stonewall era. I am absolutely admired Gavin courage and what he stands for in pursuit to set things right. What more even impressing is, he is straight. A straight guy to fight for gay cause is very rare.....a Straight Politician guy fighting for a gay cause, now that is a sign !!!! The time has come for us to arise !!!..
Its time for gay people I guess to come out from the closet. I think we are in the closet for too long that we do not know who we are anymore. This is our fundamental rights that we ought to fight for. If we were to continue to keep silent, then forever we will not be treated fairly and be taken seriously. Think about this, if we got a choice, we wont be living in this unique created live given to us. We will be like all those normal people out there, living and leading in the "ideal" lifestyle.
Why would we need to fight for all this? Marriage as often they said is between men and a women. But what actually the real definition of marriage? To me, a wedding is a time where two loving people who decided to make a vow to each other to stay commited and love each other for better and for worst. It is a sacred moment of course .....but it is not limited to straight couples only. If people decided to have that commitment in life, why cant we? Many christian said no because it is not right.......but then again as a christian, we shall not judge. We are not the judge, at the end of it during the day of Judgement, gays married couple are not going to explain to the christian people. They are to answer to God himself, directly where neither of us would need to be involved!!!! So stop playing judge and act like we are God.....cause we are not. Marriage is solely a decision by two consenting and rational adults, a decision where they made on their own......that we would need to respect, we would need to take it and if they are committed to one another.....they should get whatever same rights as any married couples are.
I believe in marriage and I believe in God, and I am gay......so i guess that is why I am sentimental about this thing.....
Watching the documentary and came to read a few articles for the "say no to 8" campaign, I felt like hey so many people, even those people in power are giving their thumbs up for this campaign.....i realised i need to voice out as well. Even though whether that prop8 win or lose, it doesnt affect me but as a gay person, I guess I should give my support .....
Equality is for all and say NO to PROP8....
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