Monday, November 3, 2008

Will You Support Me???

Today went to work for our townhall meeting. What is a townhall meeting? It is something like annual general meeting (AGM). I was elected to present my team's work. Basically to showcase our achievements for the year and knowledge sharing session. I did that presentation in front of few hundreds people....yeah a bit mind boggling huh...but I guess I am sort of used to do this already. I used to emcee, well sort of, in front of 200 over people in my previous company's annual dinner hahahaha....

What I find interesting was when people started coming up to me and commented about my presentation, how interesting it was and I was one of the best presenter....its so nice to hear such appraising words sometimes, it means your hard work sort of paid off. But, whenever I faced this sort of situation, I always got a blushed face....never failed. Too shy haha....but I got the whole groups of people laughing, so either I am a really good joker or I am a good presenter hahaha.

Anyway, today also after the meeting, my boss called me up for another short meeting. He asked me if I am interested to stay on with the team for another year......of which I can based in Holland during that period. Its nice right? But I turned that offer down. Now, many people think I am again stupid.....why turn down such offer. It was an offer for a position as transition manager....good pay, good place and expatriate term. If i took the job, I might get all those financial trouble that i am in.....all vanished in matter of days.

I turned the offer down, because money is important but I never let money to be the deciding factor. For me, the important thing is about my growth in terms of experience and career. The position sounds so lucrative but I knew it well enough that I would be doing the same thing again, the same struggle for the past two years. I turned it down because I felt myself should moved out from this comfort zone and start something new now. Something that can help me to grow in my career. I dont know if it was the right decison but normally if I made a wrong decision, I always strucked by guilt and regret. And this time around? Nope, nothing....just peace in my heart.

I dont know if I can get a new position come march next year. I dont know if I will ever to go back to my boss to beg him for my job back but I do know things would fall into places later. I have faith in Him to provide me what He promised and I have faith in the situation will get better....I need a lot of prayer because this struggle is slowly wearing me down.... What frustrated me was I dont know or I cant be assured of the job that I will be having.....or whether I would be able to pull it through. This insecurities are the one that I found myself fighting.....I cant denied that i did not felt fear....fear was part of insecurity, especially during this time of recession. Many have advised me not to do it during this time, that I should refrained myself of launching the plan this year, but instead wait sometime later. My instinct is telling me then "now or never" and I chose to believe them.......I guess, right now there is nothing more that I can do but just keep that hope high and really pray that things will fall into places. I am taking a high risk here out of faith. I know I can do it but I need people to support me, at least morally.....Will you support me? hahahaha....


Unknown said...

hey dear..I'm sure everything eventually will falls into one whole picture though it might looks like puzzle pieces now... follow your heart! =) I've been through the insecurities myself and I understand the feelings and fear of it, but I keep on telling myself this is what I wanted and I'll do my best to achieve it. =)
and no matter what decision you've made, u'll have my support! :)

Jessica said...

Hi kevin. Just dropping to tell you that I am on your side. Supporting you and praying for you all the time. Keep up the faith. =p